Wi-Fi Routers


Wi-Fi makes your life easier. You can get online from a coffee shop or from your living room. You are not tethered to a big computer that is physically linked to the Internet. But that convenience comes at a price.


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Wi-Fi Dangers Made Worse by Cumulative Effect

Wireless routers – as well as Bluetooth and similar wireless systems – give off electromagnetic radiation in the low-gigahertz frequency. This level is considered potentially dangerous to people. And the danger is compounded by several factors:

  • Just like the wireless signals themselves, the EMFs can pass through walls.
  • Most routers are not turned off at night, so you are exposed 24/7.
  • You are not only exposed to EMFs from your own router. Did you ever search for a wireless signal and see not only your wireless network, but also your neighbor’s and the one from the business down the street? All of them emit EMFs.

Increasingly, scientists and researchers are uncovering the health risks of EMFs. Depending on the level and the length of exposure, those risks can range from insomnia and headaches to tumors. For more information on the health risks of EMFs from Wi-Fi.


Protecting Yourself and Your Family
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You probably can’t get away from the effects of Wi-Fi. Even if you disconnect your own router – which probably would be very disruptive to your life – you are exposed to Wi-Fi at work, where you shop and in your neighborhood. You can protect yourself, though, with a range of effective and affordable products from SafeSpace. For more information, click here.

The distance the router's Wi-Fi signal travels is dependent on the strength of the router.








SafeSpace Solutions designed to counter the harmful EMF pollution from Wi-Fi routers

EMF Adapter

An all-in-one solution for clearing and protecting an entire home or office space from the harmful effects of EMF radiation. The EMF Adapter works through a building’s electrical circuitry Read more

Smart Patch

Our laboratory-tested SafeSpace Smart Patch has been proven to transform and neutralize the harmful effects of EMFs. When placed directly on devices it radiates a powerful protective field Read more